Fortunately, a favorable asbestosis prognosis is often achieved. The condition is irreversible and incurable; it evolves and people require treatment. Regrettably, asbestosis is latent, it can take decades for the disease to develop fully and for symptoms to show up. Those aware of past asbestos exposure and experiencing difficulty breathing should seek immediate medical help.

life expectancy
after diagnosis
prognosis (years)
An asbestosis prognosis is influenced by the period a victim has been exposed to asbestos and the amount of scarring that has occurred in the lungs. The onset of asbestosis is associated with the scarring of the parenchymal tissue in the lungs. A doctor will use chest imaging scans to view the lungs and determine an asbestosis prognosis.
Minor Asbestosis
When the asbestosis prognosis is positive, patients require care to improve breathing. For example, they will be take medication that thins lung secretions. Also, they can benefit from palliative treatments, as chest percussion and postural drainage, serving the same purpose.
Serious Asbestosis Cases
When the scarring in the lungs is significant, it can reduce lung capacity. In turn, this can lead to complications that can be fatal. For example, when the lungs are seriously damaged, the heart has to overwork and in time it weakens and fails, causing death.

Asbestosis in not a form of lung cancer or mesothelioma, therefore people can live many years with this disease.
Unfortunately, a mesothelioma prognosis is often intimidating. As cancer develops latently, by the time a doctor makes the correct diagnosis, it has often advanced and spread in the body. A mesothelioma prognosis is first influenced by the stage of cancer. Patients with early-stage cancer (I or II) generally have a better prognosis than patients with advanced mesothelioma (stage III or IV).

life expectancy
after diagnosis
prognosis (years)
Patients with epithelial mesothelioma typically have a better prognosis that those with sarcomatoid or biphasic subtypes. Other important factors in improving the prognosis are getting second opinions, choosing the right specialist for a certain diagnosis, and improving the general health through diet and exercise, if possible.
The prognosis can also be influenced by the type of mesothelioma and the cell type. The average prognosis for late-stage pleural mesothelioma is 10-12 months. Surgery and radiation can extend a patient's life.
Peritoneal mesothelioma patients treated with heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy have outlived their prognosis by 2 - 7 years.
Pericardial mesothelioma is a rare form and not enough research exist. As a result, the prognosis is poor. Testicular mesothelioma is the most uncommon type; however, the prognosis for this type is usually the best.
And last but not least, the mesothelioma prognosis can be influenced by the patient's overall health.

- Less Than 18 Months

- 12 Months

- 6 Months

- 20 Months or Longer